Northern Ontario Exports Program

Since 2011, the Northern Ontario Exports Program has supported more than 700 export-building initiatives led by companies and organizations with product and service exports from sectors ranging from mining, forestry, manufacturing, fabrication, biotechnology, transportation, renewable energy, and digital economy to consumer-packaged goods.
The Northern Ontario Exports program provides timely financial assistance and targeted training to help export-ready small and medium enterprises, industry associations, and not-for-profit organizations from across Northern Ontario kick open the doors to new markets.
We thank you for your interest in the Northern Ontario Exports Program.
Our application window has closed and we are not accepting applications.
Connect to foreign buyers
Are you an ONEDC municipality, trade association, or not-for-profit representing exporting sectors and companies in Northern Ontario? Is your network looking to connect with buyers in specific export markets? If so, the Northern Ontario Exports Program has a new program to help your organization make the connections necessary to take Northern Ontario’s companies global.
The Trade Mission Support Program will offset costs associated with organizing and hosting both inbound visits by foreign buyers (or their representatives) and with leading multi-party missions to target markets outside of Ontario. The objective is to increase face-to-face interaction between export-ready SMEs in Northern Ontario and prospective buyers in target markets.
Maximum project support is $10,000, subject to the discretion of the NOEP Advisory Committee. Eligible expenses are those relating to event hosting and coordinated group participation in new domestic and in-market events.
Funding is limited and applications will be assessed and approved on a first-come, first-served basis, so get your application in today.
For an application and more information, please contact Jenni Myllynen, Program Manager at [email protected] or 705-674-4455 x4428.
Target New Markets
Would your company benefit from new export-focused marketing and in-market business development activities? We can provide up to $10,000 (or 50% of project costs) for projects designed to:
- Conduct market research, in-market intelligence, and matchmaking
- Develop traditional and digital marketing materials, website content, and SEO
- Participate in trade shows and trade missions
- Tailor product labelling
- Secure product certification and intellectual property protection
We are no longer accepting applications.
Optimize Your Operations
The Customized Export Development & Training program can provide up to $21,000 (or 70% of project costs) to help you hire a training or planning expert. We are now accepting applications for projects in areas such as:
- Strategic export planning
- Sales skills and performance management
- Operations and productivity (e.g., LEAN)
- Procurement, inventory, and supply chain management
- Marketing
- Channel development
- Cultural awareness
We are no longer accepting applications.
Contact Us
To find out more about the program, please contact:
Jenni Myllynen, Program Manager, Northern Ontario Exports Program, [email protected]
Nicolas Mora, Technical Coordinator, Northern Ontario Exports Program, [email protected]
The Northern Ontario Exports Program is delivered on behalf of Ontario’s North Economic Development Corporation and funded by FedNor and the Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation (NOHFC).